How is your organ health?

Get a detailed analysis of your genetic health risks
The report is available for Genomelink users

Understand your health through genetics

Get a clear picture of your body, and what you are at risk for, based on your DNA.

Check your health risk

Genetic risk levels are classified into three results

Low Risk

When your DNA undergoes analysis, we’re able to pinpoint the body and organ traits that are less likely to pose a risk to your health. These traits are categorized as ‘Low Risk.’ The assessment of your genome provides predictions based on your unique genetic makeup, identifying potential health conditions that you’re less likely to encounter.

Understanding these low-risk traits can provide reassurance and clarity about certain aspects of your health. It doesn’t mean you can completely ignore these traits, as environmental factors and lifestyle choices also significantly contribute to your health. However, it does offer insight into areas where your genetic predisposition may not necessitate as much monitoring or intervention. For instance, if your heart health DNA reveals a lower risk for heart disease, you might still maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle, but you may not need as frequent check-ups.

Just like the other risk levels, ‘Low Risk’ traits serve as a guide, informing your long-term health strategies and decisions. It’s an integral part of the bigger picture of your health, assisting you in staying proactive and informed about your body’s potential responses to various health conditions.

Average Risk

If your risk score falls between the 20th and 80th percentile in our distribution, you’re classified as being at ‘Average Risk.’ This classification signifies that your risk level falls within the middle ground of the risk score distribution. It suggests that your genetic predisposition to certain health conditions is comparable to the general population.

Understanding your ‘Average Risk’ traits can be invaluable for maintaining a balanced approach to your health. These are the areas where you might not need intensive monitoring, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups remain important. For instance, if your bone health DNA reveals an average risk of developing osteoporosis, regular weight-bearing exercise and adequate calcium intake could be beneficial.

Your ‘Average Risk’ status encourages awareness and vigilance without causing undue worry. It’s a reminder to uphold a balanced lifestyle and preventative measures to manage your health effectively. With this knowledge, you can make more informed decisions regarding routine medical check-ups, lifestyle modifications, and preventative measures.

Hight Risk

By using your DNA we can identify which body and organ traits are highly likely, and which you may experience (or may already be experiencing) health-wise. These are traits that our analysis of your genome suggests are most likely for you to encounter.

Organ health DNA can reveal a truly astounding number of organ health genes that affect many different parts of your body. Several of these aspects of organ health genetics have important consequences for your quality of life. An analysis of organ health DNA can tell you whether you feel tired so often because you suffer from chronic fatigue, or whether your splitting headaches might be a precursor for migraines.

Your organ health genetics can also help you make lifestyle changes to prevent potential diseases before they begin. For instance, if you find out you have organ health genes that may result in irritable bowel syndrome, you may change your eating habits before you ever have symptoms, avoiding the disease entirely. In cases like this, prevention is much better than treatment, since it can be challenging to get gastrointestinal diseases under control once they get started.

It can be anxiety-provoking to learn that your organ health genes may predict some health concerns, but it is better to know so that you can treat the condition, rather than  letting your quality of life and health decline without treatment. Organ health genetics are a powerful tool enabling the best possible health outcomes.

Low Risk

By using your DNA we can identify which body and organ traits are less likely, and are therefore low-risk for you. These are traits that our analysis of your genome predicts are less likely based on your genetics.

Average Risk

Among the risk score distributions, your risk level will be «Average Risk» if your risk score is classified as between the 20th to 80th percentile. This means that your risk level is in the average group of the risk score distribution.

High risk

By using your DNA we can identify which body and organ traits are highly likely, and which you may experience (or may already be experiencing) health-wise. These are traits that our analysis of your genome suggests are most likely for you to encounter.

Health risks

We cover multiple traits related to your Organ Health.
You’ll learn what part of your body have the higher genetic risks.


3 traits
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Migraines


3 traits
  • Heart Health
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Inflammation


3 traits
  • Gallstones
  • Gut Inflammation
  • Irritable Bowel

Genitourinary system

4 traits
  • Kidney Health
  • Kidney Stones
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • UTI (Urinary tract infection)

Personalized recommendations

Get recommendations on your health, and what is best for you based on genetics tied to your body and organ traits. Determine a health routine with scientific information that’s catered to you.

Health traits in-depth

Dive deep into each trait to better understand what it means for your health. Determine how at-risk you are for specific traits and learn more about why that is, and how your genetics and health are connected.
Get the most detailed analysis of genetic health risks
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