Ancient Ancestry Report

Your DNA tells you about your ancestry, a synthesis of a genealogy that spans space and time. Genomelink provides "Ancient" ancestry, a somewhat different window on your DNA than one is provided by other tests. Rather that who you are related to around the world today, we aim to provide you an insight about the historical events which converged upon you as an individual.

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How much of your ancestry is from Ancient Farmers?

Your DNA tells you about the proportion of your Ancient Ancestry!

Our algorithm is based on thousands of ancient and modern human DNA samples. It returns fractions of your ancestry attributable to:- Hunter-gatherers
- First Farmers
- Steppe pastoralists
- Indigenous Americans
- West African
- East Asian
- South Asian
Your ancestors had unique stories!

We return more than just percentages in a table. Genomelink’s product provides rich textual content which describes how the ancestor life was, as well as evocative illustrations. Ancestry will be more than a number. Our aim is to allow customers to “feel” the threads of their genealogy come to life!

Scientific background
Wondering the scientific background of the product? Take a look here!
Bring you to 5,000 years ago

The uniqueness of Genomelink Ancient Ancestry Report is that it explicitly aims to put your genetics in a historical context. Rather than focusing on relatedness to modern populations and nations, Genomelink uses ancient DNA and our understanding of population genetic history to insert your story into the broader stream of human history.
Admixture analysis

Using the thousands of samples of ancient and modern humans, we reveal your admixture - how much you have of Hunter-Gatherers, Farmers, Nomad...
Based on this algorithm, we provide your proportions of your ancient ancestry.



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