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Access one of the largest genealogy records databases — for FREE

Get started with the one of the largest family records search tools around.

Access over a billion records and uncover hard to find information. Genomelink is where 1M+ people like you come to search their family history, explore genetic traits, and unlock deep ancestry analyses.


Your ancestors’ records are easier to find than ever

Genomelink’s family records search tool will make it a breeze to find countless family records going back generations. With access to more than a billion historical records and an easy to use search tool, you can uncover missing bits of your family’s history.

Don’t settle for just one records database

If you want to build the most robust family tree and really understand your family’s history, it’s important to check multiple family records databases. New records are being added all the time, so make sure to check back frequently.

Records include "1950 census" data for free


FamilySearch Office, Lehi, Utah, USA

Find your family. Discover yourself.

Genomelink records search is powered by FamilySearch, one of the largest genealogy records database in the world.

FamilySearch is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping all people discover their family story. FamilySearch has over a billion unique profiles in its tree, and growing.

Easily save and archive relevant records

Each record you find can be saved to come back and view again later. You can easily store, sort, and tag records all from your free Genomelink account.


Discover hundreds of your family records

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Genomelink is not just for finding DNA matches

We have tons of fun and interesting DNA tools!

What distinguishes us from other ancestry & genealogy services is that Genomelink is where you can find every possible use of your genomic data in one place.

Joining Genomelink you get the access to:

You can think of us as your DNA App Store

for all your genetic data discoveries.