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Is Breast Size Genetic?

Could your DNA reveal your Genetic Breast Size? Upload raw DNA data to learn more about your breast size hereditary.

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Genetics Stand Regarding Breast Size

Is Breast Size Genetic?

It turns out that size does matter, at least when it comes to the connection between genetics breast size and health conditions like breast cancer. Understanding what determines breast size Is  interesting for women who have always wondered why their breasts are the size they are. 

However, more importantly, some of the genes that are tied to beast size may also be relevant in understanding breast cancer. The question, “Is breast size inherited?” Is interesting when you're looking to give credit to or blame your genetics for the size of your breasts. However, it's more important in regards to whether breast cancer that goes along with large breasts may also have been inherited.

Have you ever wondered how some women with the same body type and style as you have larger or smaller breasts than you? Understanding the genetics of breast size is the first step in getting your answers. You can’t control breast size genetics or the breast size gene you have, but you can learn more about them to know why your breasts are the size they are and what your breast size hereditary nature has to say about the potential of developing cancer.

What Genes Determine Breast Size?

Is boob size genetic? Genetics play a large role in breast size, but just because you have small breasts doesn’t mean you have bad genes. Breast size, especially the percent of non-fat breast tissue, is a risk factor for the development of breast cancer. Among lean women, having larger breasts has been linked to a higher risk of developing breast cancer. In fact, out of the seven genotypes influencing breast size, a couple are linked to both breast size and breast cancer. Read more about it here:

If you have a generally lean figure, but large breasts, and the women in your family have suffered from breast cancer in the past, it may be that your genetics breast size also carries a gene for breast cancer. Knowing this can be extremely helpful since you can watch more closely for the development of breast cancer and get regular scans. It can also be useful for you to find out this kind of information since you can tell other women in your family  who may also carry the genes for large breasts and breast cancer. 

When most people are wondering what determines breast size, they're simply curious or perhaps a bit resentful that small breasts seem to run in the family. However, this new research indicates that understanding just how breast size is inherited is extremely important for medical outcomes.

Learn more about breast size by getting a DNA analysis on Genomelink after getting DNA test results with a DNA testing kit. Genetic DNA testing can reveal many answers you may have about your body, including why your breasts are the size they are.

Want to know where your genetics stand regarding breast size? Find out on Genomelink now!

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