How is your blood
and joint health?

Get a detailed analysis of your genetic health risks
The report is available for Genomelink users

Understand your health
through genetics

Get a clear picture of your body, and what you are at risk for based on your DNA.

Check your health risk

Genetic risk levels are classified into three results

Low Risk

Our DNA analysis provides a comprehensive view of your genetic blueprint, focusing on body and organ traits that you are less likely to be at risk for, based on your unique genetic make-up. When we talk about “low risk”, we mean traits that our in-depth analysis predicts are less likely to be a concern for you. This means you carry fewer genetic variants associated with specific health issues.

But being classified as “low risk” doesn’t mean you can ignore your health. It’s still crucial to maintain regular check-ups, balanced diet, and exercise. It simply suggests that, genetically speaking, you may not have the same level of predisposition to certain health conditions as some others might. It offers a sigh of relief, a window to manage and maintain your health proactively.

Average Risk

Falling into the “Average Risk” category indicates that your risk score, as determined by our genetic analysis, falls between the 20th and 80th percentile in the risk score distribution. This means that your risk level is within the average range, compared to the broader population.

Being in the “Average Risk” group means that while you do carry some genetic variants that may predispose you to certain health conditions, these are relatively common in the general population. However, this doesn’t mean that you’re destined to develop these conditions - it just means that you share similar genetic traits with a large portion of the population. Environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and other variables also play a significant role in your overall health.

Our genetic health risk analysis is designed to be a guide, a tool to help you understand the nuances of your own genetics and make informed decisions about your health. Whether you fall into the Low Risk, Average Risk, or High Risk category, the knowledge you gain is powerful. It puts you in a position to make proactive choices about your lifestyle and healthcare, armed with information that’s uniquely tailored to you.

High Risk

By using your DNA we can identify which body and organ traits are highly likely, and which you may experience (or may already be experiencing) health-wise. These are traits that our analysis of your genome suggests are most likely for you to encounter.

Understanding what kinds of health conditions you may be predisposed to  is incredibly valuable. You’ll know when you need to pay attention to potential health conditions more carefully. For instance, if your blood health DNA reveals that you're prone to high blood sugar, you may pay special attention to controlling sugar in your diet. You may also want to have your blood sugar tested more often. On the other hand, if joint health DNA reveals a tendency towards inflammation, you may take supplements and eat foods high in anti-inflammatories.

While blood health genetics can't tell you everything about diseases you may contract or health conditions you may develop, you can learn a lot about what you might be predisposed to. This information can enable early diagnosis. Someone who knows from their joint health genetics that they're prone to neck and shoulder pain may seek help at the first pinch of pain, rather than waiting until it gets worse and it's harder to treat.

Blood health DNA is an excellent research tool to help you learn more about your blood health genetics and how they may affect your everyday life, now and in the future. Health conditions that can easily be overlooked, such as heart health, can be diagnosed earlier thanks to blood health DNA analysis.

Low Risk

By using your DNA we can identify which body and organ traits are less likely, and are therefore low-risk for you. These are traits that our analysis of your genome predicts are less likely based on your genetics.

Average Risk

Among the risk score distributions, your risk level will be «Average Risk» if your risk score is classified as between the 20th to 80th percentile. This means that your risk level is in the average group of the risk score distribution.

High Risk

By using your DNA we can identify which body and organ traits are highly likely, and which you may experience (or may already be experiencing) health-wise. These are traits that our analysis of your genome suggests are most likely for you to encounter.

Health risks

We cover multiple traits related to your Blood and Joint Health.
You’ll learn what part of your body has the higher genetic risks.


3 traits
  • Neck & Shoulder Pain
  • Chronic Pain
  • Back pain

Body condition

4 traits
  • Joint Inflammation
  • Gout
  • Shoulder & Neck Pain
  • Joint Pain

Heart & blood

3 traits
  • Blood Sugar
  • Blood Pressure
  • Heart Health

Personalized recommendations

Get recommendations on your health, and what is best for you based on genetics specific to pain, joint, and blood traits. Determine a health routine with more information that’s catered to you.

Health risk traits in-depth

Dive deep into each trait to better understand what it means for your health. Determine how at-risk you are for specific traits and learn more about why that is, and how your genetics and health are connected.
Get the most detailed analysis of genetic health risks
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