Please cancel the subscription from here. You will find the "CANCEL" button at the bottom of the page. Please click “CANCEL” to complete the action. It takes just 10 seconds to stop the subscription. After you cancel, you can check your current plan from your profile.
We will automatically refund you after the cancellation. Please wait for 5-10 working days to confirm it in your bank statement. Please note that this applies only to the first-time subscription.
You can delete your DNA data any time from here. On your profile page, there is a “data deletion” button at lower right. Please note that once you deleted your data, you cannot access your any results on your account.
We will delete your whole account upon your request. Please contact to delete your account.
If the new email address is not registered yet, you can change your email address from your profile page anytime. If the new email address has been already registered or/if you wish to merge the contents, please contact in such case.
Please check your spam/junk folder first. If you have never received the confrimation email, please contact in such case.
The high/intermediate/low results are based on the number of genetic markers that you have. Importantly, different genetic markers in your DNA can predispose you to different outcomes, even for the same trait. We calculate the number of each genetic marker’s effects and conclude high/intermediate/low genetic tendency.
The percentile is based on the number of genetic markers you have. It is NOT an absolute possibility to have the phenotype. If you have 2 genetic markers which indicate you might get a “higher tendency” out of 8 total genetic markers that we analyze, the percentile for the “higher tendency” would be 25% ( = 2/8).
Reliability is Genomelink’s internal criteria indicating how reliable the research is. Since each research has each method and reference sample, Genomelink evaluates the scientific reliabilities of each. For example, a highly reliable study (★★★★) checks these boxes: a large sample population (>10,000); the findings have strong statistical significance (p<5E-08); the findings are replicated in further studies.
Since genetic science is an ongoing science and needs to be improved, we ask customers to provide feedback on the result. Your feedback on the accuracy of this report will help us improve our prediction model.
*The data will only be used for this purpose and will never be shared with outside parties.
It takes 24 hours to deploy all the trait results after the upgrade. If you are not able to access the Unlimited traits after 24 hours;
1. You might be logging in to the wrong account. Please log out here, and log in with the right email address.
2. If you cancel the subscription, you’ll lose access to the Unlimited traits. If you cancel the plan within 24 hours, we’ll issue a full refund. Please contact us at
The genetic testing results can be different from your actual status because genetic predispositions are not anything deterministic. Especially for these two reasons.
1. Genetic research is ongoing. Genetic research is ongoing and new insights are coming up over time. So it is possible that your "result" will be changed once new scientific research reveals a new insight.
2. Environment plays a huge role. Every trait is not determined by genetic factors only, there is a huge effect from environmental factors as well.
No, the reports are not included in the unlimited plan. The cost of the report varies depending on the product. Please visit Reports for more information.
We use a different algorithm between the traits section on the dashboard and the personality report, so sometimes the result looks different. As for the traits section, the results are shown as "absolute" scores, while "report" shows "relative" scores. In addition, we also consider the importance of the SNPs for the mental well-being report and skin care report. The importance of the SNP is calculated based on the location and the consequence of the SNP and how it affects the function of the protein it encodes. It means, you may get “higher risk” even though if you have 2 or more SNPs with lower risk but only one SNP with higher risk when the SNP with higher risk is far more important than other SNPs with lower risk.
The algorithms would reveal your ancestors in a different time scale. Our reference data for the Viking report are 442 human remains dating from the Bronze Age (about 2400 bc) to the Early Modern period (about ad 1600). On the other hand, our global ancestry report goes back to several generations because the reference data are modern human DNA.
It usually happens that the results look different among the reports. This is because each report uses different algorithms and sets of reference data. Population genomics is an ongoing science and the results keep changing while new algorithms and datasets will be available.
No, the report is available only web-based application. If you wish to keep the results, please take a screenshot for example.
You can upload your DNA file or connect to third party services. Upload my DNA file
Sign in to Ancestry.
Visit the Ancestry DNA Setting section (Login required). Click ”Settings” in the top-right corner.
Scroll down to the bottom “Actions” and enter your password, check the box, and click ”Confirm”.
You’ll get an email, it contains a link to download the file. (It would take up to a few hours to receive the email).
Then you can upload your DNA data from file here.
Sign in to MyHeritage.
Hover over the DNA tab and go to ”Manage DNA kits”.
On the right-hand side of the MyHeritage kit, click on the three dots and choose ”Download”.
A window will pop up with information on what you are about to download. Click ”Continue”. In the next popup you will be asked to accept the MyHeritage Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy, then click ”Continue” again.
An email with instructions will be sent to your registered email address. Find this email in your mailbox and click on the Download link.
Once you have clicked on the download link, you will be redirected to the MyHeritage site. Enter your password and click the ”Download” button. The file will be downloaded to your computer.
Then you can upload your DNA data from file here