Find your DNA relatives

across all DNA test services

Upload your DNA data file and maximize your chance of finding your DNA matches.

Genomelink is where 1M+ people like you come to find their genetic matches, explore genetic traits, and unlock deep ancestry analyses.

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Benefits of searching across all DNA test services

Genomelink’s DNA Match helps Genomelink users conduct a thorough ancestry search. By importing a raw DNA data file from AncestryDNA, 23andMe, or MyHeritage, Genomelink unlocks the details of your family tree search for you to explore.

Everyone’s DNA has its own unique history: a rich background story that speaks to who you are today. With DNA Match, you can understand what sets yours apart, learn more about your culture of origin, and connect with family members you may not have known you had.

1st DNA test



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1st DNA test

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DNA test kit

Find your DNA relatives across all DNA test services

And it is completely free

  • We use your existing DNA test kit data.
  • You do not have to buy another DNA test.
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Genomelink is one of the largest DNA upload sites

Millions of people from 100+  countries have uploaded their DNA data to find their relatives.

We also partner with key DNA relative match companies and organizations to maximize your chance to find a genetic relative across all platforms.

Entirely new experience just a few clicks away

Search, discover, and connect with your matches in an easy and secure manner

  • Upload your DNA

  • Fill out Profile

  • Discover Matches

Our intuitive Relative Finder tool makes your DNA match journey easy!

DNA Match comes with custom-trained models for each chromosome. This allows users to accurately explore their local ancestry, accompanied by classification probabilities along each individual chromosome.

It’s all in the genes. DNA Match allows users to come away with a detailed and near-accurate picture of their family tree search – one of the most empowering ways modern society can get in touch with their roots and understand where they come from. Use the information you gain to delve deeper into your family lineage, understand the people around you, and connect with the community you came from.


Discover hundreds of your potential genetic relatives on Genomelink

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Genomelink is not just for finding DNA matches

We have tons of fun and interesting DNA tools!

What distinguishes us from other ancestry & genealogy services is that Genomelink is where you can find every possible use of your genomic data in one place.

Joining Genomelink you get the access to:

You can think of us as your DNA App Store

for all your genetic data discoveries.

People love Genomelink


Iiro Jaaskelainen


rank 5 star
Ancestry estimates seem sensitive

On some of the traits, I was not so convinced, but then again this is not easy and genes play a limited role. For example, I got low on intelligence trait, though my IQ has been measured above 140 and I am a university professor who has worked successfully as a scientist in Harvard. Yet the company is honest in saying these are estimates. On ancestry estimation, Genomelink was closer to Ancestry than MyHeritage in results, but additionally detected some aspects that I know of based on genealogy to be there (weakly since some generations removed) that both Ancestry and (especially) MyHeritage missed. From this I get that Genomelink is either less conservative in estimation than Ancestry/MyHeritage, or just more accurate/sensitive. Personally, it was nice to get DNA ancestry results that confirmed what I knew from elsewhere.


Jeff Kunold


rank 5 star
Make Use of Previous DNA Tests

I have found it a convenient way to get more traits and reports from a previous Ancestry DNA test! Although I have paid for some reports, I also have the opportunity to gain access to some traits and reports by verifying the accuracy of at least one trait per week for a number of weeks depending on which reward is being offered.




rank 5 star
While a few of the traits are not…

While a few of the traits are not accurate for me, most are. I really appreciate the effort put into compiling the data to support the statistics they share, and the transparency with which they approach the limitations of what their data can tell us. I'm enjoying the new features that get added, and am always excited to receive a new trait on Tuesdays. This is a company that is serious about providing useful, factual, evidence based information. I pay monthly for full access and am happy to do so.


Brandy H


rank 5 star
This company has helped open so many…

This company has helped open so many genetic traits and some have even helped my doctors with my mystery illness. Thanks Genomelink.

People love Genomelink


Iiro Jaaskelainen


rank 5 star
Ancestry estimates seem sensitive

On some of the traits, I was not so convinced, but then again this is not easy and genes play a limited role. For example, I got low on intelligence trait, though my IQ has been measured above 140 and I am a university professor who has worked successfully as a scientist in Harvard. Yet the company is honest in saying these are estimates. On ancestry estimation, Genomelink was closer to Ancestry than MyHeritage in results, but additionally detected some aspects that I know of based on genealogy to be there (weakly since some generations removed) that both Ancestry and (especially) MyHeritage missed. From this I get that Genomelink is either less conservative in estimation than Ancestry/MyHeritage, or just more accurate/sensitive. Personally, it was nice to get DNA ancestry results that confirmed what I knew from elsewhere.


Jeff Kunold


rank 5 star
Make Use of Previous DNA Tests

I have found it a convenient way to get more traits and reports from a previous Ancestry DNA test! Although I have paid for some reports, I also have the opportunity to gain access to some traits and reports by verifying the accuracy of at least one trait per week for a number of weeks depending on which reward is being offered.




rank 5 star
While a few of the traits are not…

While a few of the traits are not accurate for me, most are. I really appreciate the effort put into compiling the data to support the statistics they share, and the transparency with which they approach the limitations of what their data can tell us. I'm enjoying the new features that get added, and am always excited to receive a new trait on Tuesdays. This is a company that is serious about providing useful, factual, evidence based information. I pay monthly for full access and am happy to do so.


Brandy H


rank 5 star
This company has helped open so many…

This company has helped open so many genetic traits and some have even helped my doctors with my mystery illness. Thanks Genomelink.

Your data privacy is protected while maximizing your chance to find your DNA matches.

  • We do not share your email address with anyone.

  • You can send and receive messages without sharing your email address.

  • Your data will never be shared with external parties unless you opt-in with your willingness to participate in research or access our partner’s reports.

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