Physical Traits

Is Earwax Type a Genetic Trait? And How it’s Related to Axillary Odor

Discover information about your earwax type, genetic analysis of the trait, and how you perceive your axillary odor. Learn more.

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Ready to find out what your earwax type tells you about how you perceive your axillary odor? Go on Genomelink now!

Fun fact: there are two different types of earwax, and you probably already know which type you have.

Wet earwax is usually brown and sticky, while dry earwax is scaly.

The genotype for wet earwax is completely dominant over dry earwax, meaning that even having a single copy of the wet earwax will lock you in for wet earwax.

Interestingly, while most ethnically African and European populations have the wet type, East Asians mostly have dry earwax. Between 5% to 15% of East Asians have the wet type.

But why do we even care about the two types of earwax?

It turns out that the same gene that determines your earwax type is also involved in the manifestation of a condition called axillary osmidrosis (AO).

Different Types of Earwax and Axillary Osmidrosis 

People who have AO feel uncomfortable with their own axillary, i.e., armpit odor (which produces a pheromone-like effect to attract the opposite sex). 

In a 2009 genotyping study involving 79 Japanese participants, this relationship between axillary odor and earwax (specifically having the wet earwax type) was investigated. Here, they found that an overwhelming majority (98.7%) of those who experience AO have the wet earwax genotype of the ABCC11 gene.

Although much of the biological mechanism underpinning AO is unknown, and the study is limited to a small sample of participants from only two prefectures in Japan, the finding suggests that earwax genotype is a good way to diagnose the condition.

With this in mind, the investigators noticed that at least one person in their study who did not have the wet earwax genotype reportedly has AO, which suggests that the genotype is extremely important. Still, there may be other factors that will modify a person's perception of their odor.

How to Find Out Your Earwax Type with Genetic Testing

There are a few ways to find out your earwax type, including taking a DNA test. 

If you’ve already done a DNA test from sites such as 23andMe and AncestryDNA, you should have access to your raw DNA file. Next, you’ll need to download your file from the company website and then upload it to a DNA upload site that analyzes your raw DNA file. 

It’s essential to get your genetic test from a trusted DNA upload website that offers high-quality, evidence-based analysis. 

If you haven’t done a DNA test, you’ll need to do that first. Then, you can come back and discover a world of new information about your physical traits, including your earwax type. 

We provide unique DNA trait analysis for tons of physician traits, making it possible to learn more about who you are and how to live your best life. 

Ready to find out what your earwax type tells you about how you perceive your axillary odor? Go on Genomelink now!

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