Physical Traits

Eyebrow Thickness gene explained

Could your DNA reveal your Eyebrow Thickness? Upload raw DNA data to learn more about yourself and genomics science.

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How is "Eyebrow Thickness" encoded by the genome?

Do you have thicker or thinner eyebrows? The shape and thickness of your eyebrows contribute to the impression you give others, as eyebrows play an important role in emotional expression and nonverbal communication.

Genome-wide association study in Japanese females identifies fifteen novel skin-related trait associations. This research paper identified the genetic markers associated with eyebrow thickness. Research on skin-related traits like this one sheds light on what kind of DNA-personalized cosmetics, based on an individual’s DNA, is possible in the near future. 

Besides eyebrows, you can check your genetic tendencies for skin-related traits such as age spots, freckles, double-fold eyelids, and excessive sweating on Genomelink. These were unlocked in previous weeks of Discovery Trait of the Week.

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