Food & Nutrition

Do You Have a Peach Allergy? It’s all in Your DNA

Find out if you have a peach allergy with a simple DNA upload of your raw DNA file. Learn how.

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Could your DNA reveal your Peach Allergy? Upload raw DNA data to learn more about yourself and genomics science.

Are you wondering if you’re allergic to peaches? 

How we eat affects our health, and that’s certainly the case when it comes to allergies. A peach allergy can be mild or severe and varies depending on the person. 

Finding out your allergies is an important part of managing your health and staying healthy. 

Here, we’ll describe peace allergy symptoms, if the allergy is genetic, and how to find out if you’re allergic to peaches through a DNA test. 

Peach Allergy Symptoms

Most adults with peach allergies feel itching in the mouth and throat, and their lips also itch, become red, and swell up within five to 15 minutes of eating the peach. Most often, these milder symptoms go away within an hour. 

Serious reactions to peaches include anaphylaxis, or skin issues such as severe swelling in the face, lips, and eyelids. Some severe symptoms can also include stomach pain, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. 

Peach Allergy in Babies

When it comes to peach allergy in babies, allergic reactions include hives, swelling of the face, mouth itching and swelling, runny nose and coughing, and vomiting and diarrhea. 

Peach Allergy and Genetics 

Researchers have long studied the connection between food allergies and our genes. 

In the same study referenced for Shrimp Allergy, the genome-wide association study involving a group of Japanese individuals found a gene locus (specific to peaches) on the HLA-DR/DQ gene that was associated with peach allergy. 

The HLA (which stands for human leukocyte antigen) genes are important because they have been implicated in food allergy immune responses. It seems that having a certain gene variant at the locus on this gene can predispose you to a nasty reaction whenever you are in contact with the fruit. 

Food Allergies and Genetic Test Analysis 

It’s important to personalize your health and find out what you’re allergic to. One way to do this is by taking an at-home DNA test, such as the ones provided by AncestryDNA, 23andMe, and MyHeritage. 

If you’ve already taken one of these tests, you’re in luck. 

The same raw DNA file that unlocked your heritage can be used to unlock more information about your body and health, such as whether you’re allergic to peaches. 

If you’ve taken one of these tests, visit the original website and download your raw file.

If you haven’t taken the test, you can order a DNA test kit and learn basic information about who you are and where you came from. But once you’ve received your information, it’s time to get granular and find out about your allergies. 

Genetic Testing Analysis for Peach Allergies 

Have your raw DNA file? Simply take your raw DNA file and upload it to a DNA upload website such as Genomelink. We offer genetic analysis for a wide range of physical traits, including peach allergies. Our reports provide detailed information on your genes and how to use the information to improve your health.

Are your genes rejecting peaches? Check Genomelink to find out if you are susceptible to peach allergy!

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