Discover your full genetic potential

Upload your raw DNA data from genetic testings like AncestryDNA, 23andMe, or MyHeritage to get additional DNA analysis. 352+ weekly expanding unique traits, ancient ancestry, family finder, health research, and more. Go beyond ancestry!


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Unique DNA analysis

Our Reports are not available anywhere else

Don't just settle for an Ancestry DNA upload analysis! We have a lot more to offer after analyzing your raw DNA upload data. Our Ancestry, Viking, Nutrition, Wellness, and other reports have been meticulously crafted by analyzing the most recent DNA test research. With a free ancestry DNA testing analysis, you can find out what in your DNA test makes you… well, you!


352+ traits

Get personalized DNA insights

Know how DNA shapes your body, mind, and character to create a unique individual - you! We analyze and update Genetic DNA upload based on growing genomics research. Weekly discovery reports straight to your inbox!

5 trait sections

We have categorized all our DNA test into 5 sections which makes it easier for you to find the trait you're looking for.

Weekly updates

Our science team analyzes ever evolving research in Genomics to bring you a fresh trait every week.

More details for each trait

Learn in detail about each trait and get to know yourself better.

Accuracy voting

Help us improve our trait algorithms but letting us know if a DNA trait prediction matches your personality.

5 trait sections

We have categorized all our traits into 5 sections which makes it easier for you to find the trait you're looking for.

Weekly updates

Our science team analyzes ever evolving research in Genomics to bring you a fresh trait every week.

More details for each trait

Learn in detail about each trait and get to know yourself better.

Accuracy voting

Help us improve our trait algorithms but letting us know if a trait prediction matches your personality.

  • Get DNA test results

    Export your data from 23andMe | | MyHeritage
  • Sign up & Upload

    Sign up with Genomelink and DNA upload your ancestry DNA testing data. 
    Your privacy first!
  • Unlock tons of insights from your DNA upload!

    Get free DNA traits, discover additional reports, participate in research.
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in 3 easy steps

Genomelink explained

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Join our global community

I love using Genomelink, it has helped me understand myself and my heritage and I love the reports!
Very fun and useful!”

— Erica Greback-Johnson, Arlington, TX
Join Genomelink
Excellent 4.4
Anna Marie
Best Genetic Tool in the Biotechnology Industry

I was pleasantly surprised by Genomelink. It perfectly encapsulates all of what I would have expected from a DNA information tool...

A wealth of information

I love that every trait comes with a scale for the reliability of the studies used in determining it. Even when a trait is inaccurate...

Empirically derived AND fun!

I am really enjoying this service tremendously, and as a former researcher I am a big fan of the scholarly articles attached to each test, with relevant data such as sample size, sample characteristics and inferential statistics! I’m finding my results really useful in terms of the health info provided. It’s been really fun learning about my steppe pastoralist ancestors, that has never come up before but makes a lot of intuitive sense to me. Great site!

Karen V
SO far Genomelink has been very enlightening!

So far Genomelink is very accurate. I appreciate that scientific evidence regarding DNA truly matters. Thank you so much for enlightening me about my various traits known and unknown.
I look forward to finding more in weeks to come.

Empirically derived AND fun!

I am really enjoying this service tremendously, and as a former researcher I am a big fan of the scholarly articles attached to each test, with relevant data such as sample size, sample characteristics and inferential statistics! I’m finding my results really useful in terms of the health info provided. It’s been really fun learning about my steppe pastoralist ancestors, that has never come up before but makes a lot of intuitive sense to me. Great site!

Karen V
SO far Genomelink has been very enlightening!

So far Genomelink is very accurate. I appreciate that scientific evidence regarding DNA truly matters. Thank you so much for enlightening me about my various traits known and unknown.
I look forward to finding more in weeks to come.

Anna Marie
Empirically derived AND fun!

I am really enjoying this service tremendously, and as a former researcher I am a big fan of the scholarly articles...

Empirically derived AND fun!

I am really enjoying this service tremendously, and as a former researcher I am a big fan of the scholarly articles...

Backed by science

Genetic DNA test results you can trust

Based on evolving genomics research
  • Our head of science advisory, Dr. Carlos D. Bustamante, is an internationally recognized leader in applying data science and genomics technology to medicine, agriculture, and biology problems.

  • Our team of dedicated researchers has curated over 10,000 genetics studies to build our database and algorithm for accurate ancestry DNA testing. We constantly work on keeping pace with the most recent developments in the Genomics field to connect you with the most recent and relevant genetic research.

  • We are proudly backed by pioneers in Genetic Science (Stanford, UC Berkeley) and Technology (Y Combinator).

Accuracy reporting

Help improve the accuracy of various DNA Upload and reports by rating the accuracy of each trait as compared to your personal DNA traits.


Participate in research

Upload raw DNA data to contribute to the Genomics research community with our trusted partners and get rewarded. Withdraw your consent anytime you like and delete your ancestry DNA testing upload at the click of a button.

  • •  COVID-19 Open Biobank Projec
  • •  Polygenic risk score

Your privacy first. Always.

You own your DNA data

Take full control of your DNA data
  • HIPAA-grade security

    Our server is set up in accordance with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Aсt (HIPAA), the federal-level security standards for safeguarding protected health information.

  • No secondary data usage

    We will not use or sell your DNA data without your explicit opt-in consent.

  • Completely deletable

    You can delete your data from our server whenever you wish. We fully respect and support your ancestry DNA testing data ownership.

Everything Store for DNA

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Be always amazed by what your DNA test reveals — 352+ weekly expanding unique traits, ancient ancestry, family finder, medical research, and more. Go beyond ancestry DNA testing.